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News & events

Posted: 9th October 2023


It's an honour to work with all our clients, and it fills us with joy when they give us permission to share their work. See this poem from one of our clients below!

This chapter of my life is hard and confusing

Don’t even know if I’m winning or losing.

The days are all numb, painful and grey,

I just hold on and do my best to get through the day.

Giving up is a permanent solution to a temporary issue,

Plus, all those lovely people that would probably all miss you.

Life don’t make no sense to me,

All this time wasted, a huge expense you see.

What if things eventually got better?

Wouldn’t need to write mum a goodbye letter.

This place is a blessing I’m so lucky to have found it!!

Less lonely, small steps, little hope …won’t quit.

New friends and support both mutual and pure,

F***ing hell maybe this is the cure!

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Upcoming events



8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Cycling Workshop - beginners and up!

Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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Latest news

No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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