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Our Services

Supported self help - free mental health supportWhat is supported self help?

Supported self-help is a free, six-week guided programme, where we give you the materials to understand and manage your feelings. We also call you regularly to give you support. 

You don't need a GP referral to sign up for supported self-help. 

This service is a one-to-one guided self-help program rather than a counseling service, although our practitioners use counseling-based skills in their support. These includes elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tools and other forms of assistance.

How can this service support me? 

We work with you to determine the most suitable supported self-help program for your needs, and together we establish a support plan. This plan covers areas such as:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks 
  • Coping with grief and loss 
  • Loneliness and feeling lonely 
  • Low self esteem 
  • Low mood and depression 
  • Managing anger 
  • Managing stress 
  • Understanding menopause

Click this link to find out more.

Is this service right for me?Supported Self help flyer

Yes, if you are 18 years old & above, living in England.

  • It doesn't matter if you have an existing treatment plan for your mental health – Our practitioner will help you understand if this service is right for you or reach out to other services that might help 

  • We don't care how 'serious' your problem is – It is for you if you feel your emotions are getting the best of you 

  • You don't need to have a diagnosed mental health problem to access this service. 

How to get started 

You can sign up by chatting with Limbic, our virtual assistant. Limbic will walk you through the referral process, helping you understand if supported self-help is right for you. It takes around 6 minutes to complete.

Follow this link to chat with Limbic

Hear more about our self-help programme

In this video you can find out more about the programme from local Mind practitioner Helen. You can also hear from Christian about the difference that supported self-help has made for him.

Got a question?

We're always happy to answer your questions. Get in touch with us on

You can read more about this service here

Upcoming events



8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Cycling Workshop - beginners and up!

Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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Latest news

No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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