18th September 2024, 10:30 at Auckley
Bereaved by Suicide Support Service
In 2018 Changing Lives and Doncaster Mind began to develop a Bereaved by suicide support service called BBS for short. The service began with a group of people who had the experience of a loss, as a result of suicide. They came together and shared their own lived experience from their loss. The support service was then established based on what they thought would be helpful to others who have also been impacted by suicide.
The service opened in May 2019, its aim being to provide support and help to people who have been impacted by suicide and to raise awareness and influence change by working together to prevent suicide. The work has developed over the past 18 months and continues to be run by people who have the lived experience of loss through suicide.
Bereaved by Suicide Support Group
The group is a space where people come together to talk about their experience, share thoughts and feelings with others who have also had a loss through suicide or been impacted by suicide. The group is an open group and people can use it as and when they need it and for as long as they need it. Once each person has attended 6 sessions they will be offered a one to one review session with a group facilitator. This is a check in, to gather feedback and provide time on a one to one basis to find out how they are coping. There is no set amount of sessions per person and the facilitators will be sensitive to each individuals needs.
Because it is an open group new members can enter the group at any time and leave at any time. Any new person wanting to attend the group will require a gateway assessment by a group facilitator. This is a scheduled appointment that provides the opportunity for the individual and the facilitator to talk about their experience, ask questions, explore options and then decide together if the group could be of benefit to them. It could be that a referral for counselling would be a better option or, that the person actually needs more time before accessing any support.
If agreed at assessment that 1 to 1 counselling is the best option a referral can be made. There are 4 counselling slots available as part of this service and we aim to keep the waiting time as low as possible (this of course varies according to demand for the service). 1 to 1 support is also available, this can be a more flexible support option and clients can use this service as a means to support them maybe, instead of the group, before accessing the group or whilst waiting for counselling.
If you have been affected by suicide and would like to get involved please contact Julie on 07888805441 or email: Julie.beaumont@changing-lives.org.uk
If you would like to access any of these services please complete our referral form