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Posted: 10th October 2023

Campfire is here again!

We're excited to announce that we will be working with Barrel Organ Theatre Company to present Campfire again this year! Last year, we had an incredible time with 12 participants who engaged in the 12-week long program, worked together, built lasting friendships, their creative skills & confidence and created a simple yet groundbreaking piece of performance where a story was told entirely from within the participants of thgroup! 

Campfire made a huge impact on the participants last year; it provided them with a platform to express themselves and gave a sense of belonging to many. Some of the participants even shared their thoughts about it, with one who said, 'It gives me a sense of purpose and something to look forward to,' while another said, 'In a play, you can become anybody you desire; it's a form of escapism.' 

This year, we're ready to do it all over again, and it's going to be for an even longer period. Don't miss out  this is your chance to get involved! 

What is Campfire? 
'Campfire' is a participatory arts project in the form of a creative writing group, here in Doncaster Mind which is facilitated in collaboration with Barell Organ Theatre Company. The purpose of 'Campfire' is to help you build confidence, find a community of like-minded people just like you & learn about the creative process of writing a play & putting on a piece of theatre.  

How long will it take? 

This project will take 20 weeks, starting 31st October to March 26th  from 2 - 4pm, every Tuesdays at our office in Marketplace. During this time, you will get a chance to know the people in the group, develop a creative process and together, write a brand-new play taking inspiration from the natural world, mental wellbeing & anything that you want to say about the world! 
Who can join 

To join, you MUST be looking to support your mental health, be based in Doncaster and over 18 years old. After you complete our First Steps Workshop, you’ll be invited to join the group. If we are already working with in other areas of our service, please email to register your interest.  

Next steps! 

Send an email to or fill our referral form here  

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