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حمایت از جامعه افغان ها  صنف  ماهواره  آموزش  انگلیسی ما برای همه جامعه افغان ها یعنی همه شمول   است ودراینجا هرکه می‌تواند بایک فرددیگری  دوستانه  ارتباط برقرار کند،تا انگلیسی خود را تمرین کند و در مورد فرهنگ انگلیسی بیشتر بیاموزد.

 چه اخیراً به دانکاستر وارد شده باشید و چه مدتی است که اینجا بوده اید، ما دوست داریم شما را ملاقات کنیم. گروپ‌  ما فعالیت ها و موضوعات بحث های  جالبی را ارائه می دهد که از طریق آنها می توانید زبان انگلیسی گفتاری خود را در یک محیط امن و حمایتی یاد بگیرید،

 تمرین کنید و بهبود بخشید و در عین حال ارتباط برقرار کنید و دوستان جدید پیدا کنید. تمرین زبان انگلیسی در این گروپ بیاموزید  ESOL شما را تقویت می کند و به شما اعتماد به نفس می دهد تا هر روز تادرشهردانکاستربرای حل مشکلات خودانگلیسی  صحبت کنید! از طریق شبکه خود، ما همچنین یک نقطه مرکزی  

 برای حل مشکلات  در مورد سایر فعالیت ها، رویدادها و پشتیبانی که ممکن است برای شما مفید یا مورد علاقه باشد، ارائه می دهیم 

11:00  گروپ زنان جامعه افغان ها- هر جمعه از ساعت 

صبح تا 12 ظهر ادامه دارد .

همچنان گروپ  مردان جامعه افغان ها -ازتاریخ 9‌فبروری هر جمعه از ساعت 9 صبح تا 10 صبح ازتاریخ  (9 فوریه) اغازخواهدشد . اگر مایلید به گروه ما بپیوندید یا سوالی داشته باشید،  کارمند دفتر ما آقای نجیب الله حبیبی  خوشحال خواهد شد که  .

لطفاً از طریق ایمیل آدرس ذیل بااوتماس بیگیرید:

Support for the Afghan community

Our English Conversation Club for the Afghan community is for anyone who would like to make friends and connections, practice their English and learn more about English culture. Whether you have recently arrived in Doncaster or you have been here for a while, we’d love to meet you. Our group offers activities and interesting discussion subjects through which you can learn, practice and improve your spoken English in a safe, supportive environment whilst building connections and making new friends. Practising English in this group will boost your ESOL learning and give you the confidence to speak English every day!

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Through our network, we also provide a central point in Doncaster for information about other activities, events and support that may be of help or interest to you.

Afghan community woman's group – every Friday 11am – 12 noon

Afghan community men's group – every Friday 9am – 10am (starting 9th February).

Our outreach worker Najib will be pleased to help if you would like to join our group or have any questions. Please contact him by email: or call us on 01302 812190.

Upcoming events



8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Cycling Workshop - beginners and up!

Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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Latest news

No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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