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News & events

Posted: 12th July 2021

Keeping you safe

Behind the Scenes (covid mask)

Busy Bees.

We're been working really hard in the background to get our new building ready to take in group participants, clients, facilitators, volunteers and staff. Our Office Manager, Laura, has had to deal with moving firms, changing energy suppliers, buying furniture, deliveries, trying to get a new sign for the building and even a really bad leak through the roof - all whilst navigating a pandemic. Waiting Room 1

  • The effort to get the building safe, ready and accessible has been immense. (pictured: The Waiting Room)
  • We now have a whole floor of the Exchange Buildings in Market Place that is ready to welcome you - and already has with some.
  • We have lovely rooftops views, a bright airy floor and a welcoming and safe environment.  

You asked - We did.

You've asked when we are 'open' again - but in truth we never closed!

Never Closed 

All our staff moved to working at home, providing telephone calls, email support, creating videos and downloadable activities, putting on group activities via Zoom and - between lockdowns - 1-2-1 walk and talks outside. 

What extra things have we got in place?

To make sure that you feel comfortable leaving the safety of your home and joining our activities, we have put a load of safety measures in place.

Hand Sanitising Stations. 

At the main entrance to our floor there is a hand sanitising station (and by the lift as you enter as well). We also have hand sanitiser available in the toilet cubicles and within the rooms. 

After every activity the tables and touch points (such as door handles and light switches) are wiped down by the Facilitator / Mentor /Staff Member. 


We're still asking everyone, unless exempt, to wear a mask around the building and when entering the main door and communal staircase (until sat down when doing your activity/meeting). When restrictions have been relaxed we want you to know that you are still very welcome to wear your mask to enter the building and during any sessions that you wish to. 

Drinks and Snacks

We know that when you come to a session a drink and a snack are sometimes needed - especially if you're with us for a couple of hours! Please bring your own drinks or snacks with you. We're really lucky to be close to 5 or 6 bakeries, cafe's and takeaways - as well as near the Wool Market who have a whole host of food and drink. 

This way you can control what you consume and what it comes in. 

Group Size

For those of you who have said that you would like to do Peer Support, we have reduced the number of people to our groups. Our groups have been capped at 8 people for indoor groups and at 12 for outdoor groups. We will maintain this reduction in numbers as we are aware that people are getting used to being around others again, and that large groups of people can be a cause of anxiety for you. 

If you have any queries on the group sizes, please let us know. Group Feedback Feelings3 - Facebook and Twitter

Open Door Policy

We have always had an open door policy. We will still continue to work with people without prejudice or judgement. 

The change we have made here is that we are asking you to only come to appointments and groups by invitation. If you arrive at the building without an invitation or appointment, you will be asked to make an appointment and come back at that time. 

This helps us manage the number of people who are in the building, but we also have contact details for those who are entering the space as well. 

Social Distancing

We're really fortunate that even our 1-2-1 rooms are spacious. There is room for people to spread out. Group Session 2Our Mallard room is a really light and airy space which can be used for our Guided Learning courses or as a social space on either the comfy sofa's and chairs (and there are a few) or around a more formal setting which can be spread apart to help people feel comfortable. 

We keep windows and doors open to manage the circulation of air.

When we do activities - such as painting or craft - we are allocating you the materials you need at your space so you don't have to share with others and you can feel confident in having your own personal space. 

So what else?

We know that you may be feeling anxious about coming to our new building, about where the parking is, where the nearest  bus stop is, how far is it from the bus station and what about if I can't come... 

The what if's can be endless. We know about those already. We had those kinds of thoughts when we thought about coming back to work from our communal office space and we've taken it slowly to help us to help you.

If you're really worried about meeting in person, attending a group or coming to a therapy session - even on the day - you can text, email, leave a voicemail. Moments-Unsplash (29)

It is never a problem. 

We understand. We can take the pressure off. We can rearrange. 

You are not alone. 

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8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Cycling Workshop - beginners and up!

Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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