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Posted: 15th June 2022

Lets talk about the football.

Lets talk about the football.
It's #mensmentalhealthweek and so it feeskysports-gareth-southgate_5175874ls particularly important to talk about the England v Hungary match last night.
We saw England lose a game to Hungary by a big margin after a series of disappointing scores. Disappointment and frustration is to be expected.
What we saw towards the end of the match was many, many people expressing their anger, frustration and disappointment by booing 1 person and shouting abuse.
That was at Gareth Southgate.
In our anxiety courses we talk about the Performance Zone and The Practice Zone and differences between. More and more there are reduced places to practice things, to feel safe to try things out without fear of judgement, to be able to say "I got that one wrong."
The reduction of The Practice Zone means that there is more pressure - that we are always in the Performance Zone - where we are supposed to be polished, perfect and professional.

Eduardo Briceño gives a great Ted Talk to explain this further. 

What does this reaction do to people's mental health? How does it affect them when they receive that much bad feeling? 

Holding the people in our lives to account is important. Lets remember to do it kindly.

If this has affected you, you can get in touch on 01302 812190 or refer yourself for support at 

Our Mentoring, Young Persons Mentoring and Peer Support/Guided Learning sessions can support you towards recovery.

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8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

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Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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