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Posted: 27th November 2020

The mental health emergency - Doncaster Mind's Christmas Appeal

Donate to our Christmas Appeal today:

2020 has been a year of anxiety and uncertainty, and more people need support than ever before. Will you donate this Christmas and help us be there for those who need us in 2021?

Christmas_stocking_white_on_blue_RGB_smallDoncaster Mind is a local Mind, which means that we work within our community to support those most in need. We do this by providing a range of wellbeing activity groups, guided learning and peer support, and one-to-one support.

During 2020, we have adapted the support that we offer, so we can continue to be there for the rising number of people who are finding themselves at their lowest ebb.

But we need your help.

Being a local Mind means that we are also responsible for raising all of the funds we need to continue locally. Without donations from the community, we simply could not carry on our vital work.

Could you help us this Christmas, by making a one-off donation to our Christmas Appeal?

  • £5 could pay for an information pack to be sent to someone who has recently been diagnosed with a mental health condition
  • £20 could help to fund a 1 hour session for someone experiencing mental ill-health (e.g. Counselling, Wellbeing Activity)
  • £60 could pay for someone to attend a four week personal development course, i.e. Anxiety Management, Stress Awareness or Confidence Building

Anything you can donate will be very much appreciated by everyone here, and most importantly, by all the people your donations will help.

Donate via JustGiving here:

Thank you.

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8th August 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Cycling Workshop - beginners and up!

Whether you've been cycling a while, or would like to try it out, we've teamed up with PedalReady to offer a trial cycling session. Read more

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No mind left behind

Posted: 27th June 2024

General Elections 2024

As the election approaches, it can be a stressful and anxious time for us all. Political events can stir strong emotions and create uncertainty. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health during this period. Please reach out for support if you need it—we are here to help. Stay connected, take breaks from the news, and be kind to yourself and others💙 Read more

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