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Posted: 21st May 2021

Women's Space Legacy

At Doncaster Mind, we’ve long supported the mental health of Doncaster residents through Peer Support. One group that ran weekly, on a Wednesday, was our Women’s Space.

Women's Space Legacy


Women’s Space was started to support and empower women to make choices that supported their emotional wellbeing, reduce social isolation by creating a friendly and safe environment and create a non-judgemental space where challenges could be discussed and problems overcome.

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Peer Support and Friendship

Since December 2020, Women’s Space has taken on a life of its own with the participants taking ownership of the group. The women have embraced peer support and meet on a Friday to socialise, enjoy each others company and plan activities to look forward to.

This friendship group has provided a much needed highlight over the long winter we’ve had, and the group have been in touch with us to say that they would like to encourage other women who want to join the group of friends to help their emotional wellbeing and reduce loneliness. 

Cath, one of the group members, said, “We have all had struggles and know that sometimes just talking to someone else who’s had similar experiences is really helpful. We all do that for each other.”Quote - Women's Space

Linda, Wellbeing Manager, said, “At Doncaster Mind, we concentrate on emotional wellness rather than illness. We’re really pleased to see the members of what was the Women’s Space, take their emotional wellness into their own hands and support each other. This is what we strive for with all the participants of the groups that we run now, and in the past.”

The women meet at Milton Court Community Café weekly. If you would like more information, please let us know.

If you are struggling with mental illness, get in touch with us on  01302 812190 or 

If you are in crisis call the Access Team on 01302 566999 or if you are in danger call 999.

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