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Posted: 6th May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week 9th - 14th May

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Whilst mental health is at the core of what we do, every year we take the time to stop and focus on Mental Health Awareness Week. 

This year Mental Health Awareness week starts on the 9th May and the theme is Loneliness. 

Laura Arthur, CEO of Doncaster Mind, said, "Over the past 2 years, I don't think there has been a single person who hasn't felt lonely - whether it's connection with others or with their own sense of self and safety. We have been through a once in a generation type emergency and what's come out of it is a strong realisation that connection is so important to our long term wellbeing." 

Over the next week we will be spending time talking to our clients about what loneliness is like, how we can motivate ourselves to seek support and support ourselves and also helping you to help others who may be lonely.

On Tuesday 10th May, we're working with The National Literacy Trust to share #Take10ToRead.

Reading is proven to help with your mental health and to support long term wellbeing - and 10 minutes makes a difference! The National Literacy Trust have kindly donated 3 whole boxes of books! We'd love to hear from you on Tuesday 10th at 10am across our social media platforms about what you're reading and how you feel after you've spent time reading. 

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On Wednesday 11th May, our First Steps workshop is on! 

We have a whole session dedicated to making group support less scary. It's invitation only (you can refer yourself for the next one in June here: Refer) and it means we can go through what's available and you get to decide if it's what you were looking for - almost a try before you buy. Wednesday's session is run by our Wellbeing Group Coordinator, Jenni. "I love the First Steps workshop. It's a taster session for what group support is like and we can see how you're doing within the session - which is only 90 minutes long. We cover what's available in the service and ask you to be part of making your very own wellbeing plan."

On Friday 13th May - Art Therapy Taster Session.

If you're already working with us, and you've never really understood what Art Therapy is - or didn't know if it was for you, this is your time to find out. Over a 90 minute session, you'll have the opportunity to play with all the materials that you might use in art therapy as well as ask any questions. 

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Friday 13th May continued!

Our Gardening Group will meet as normal, but will benefit from some Mindfulness as we end our session with a way of connecting with ourselves after a busy session of planting, planting, planting. 

Saturday 14th May - Card Making at Lakeside Village Shopping Centre. 

We're giving you the opportunity to visit us at Lakeside Village Shopping Centre to make cards and postcards for others.

It could be you have a neighbour who never goes outside, or a friend who feels really alone right now. May be you want to give a card to a stranger or you could even leave a card at a bus stop. 

For more information click the link: Card Making


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